From SAD to Sid

From SAD to Sid

Seeing how ‘TROULE’ de-fanged ‘TROUBLE,’ I’m experimenting with another word. I believe I have SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, because when the sun becomes rare and the days get cold, I feel chilly and watery. Sure I have one of those...


I must not be ready to stop thinking about Toronto and the Eras Tour. There are memories in my mind and on my wrist. One of my favorite friendship bracelets has a typo: “TROULE.” Yes, it should be “TROUBLE.” But maybe not. Without the...
But If I Hadn’t

But If I Hadn’t

I wish I hadn’t grown up in a house where, as my mother said a couple of years ago, “I guess you kids were just scared all the time.” But if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have the empathy I have. I wish I hadn’t married my first husband (who treated me the way my father...
Lesson From a Swiftie

Lesson From a Swiftie

On the express train from the Toronto airport to Union Station, I sat with Swifties. More accurately, I said “Are you going to the Eras Tour” to the woman in the seat in front of me. She had long dark blond hair and wore a “NOT A LOT GOING ON AT THE MOMENT” t-shirt,...
The Belay vs. The Net

The Belay vs. The Net

When you climb a rock wall in a climbing gym, you will be on belay. There will be a rope hooked to your climbing harness, run through a pulley at the top of the wall, and back down through the belay device on your belayer’s harness. This contraption keeps...


Confession: I’ve been looking for someone to tell me everything is going to be okay. Over the past two months, I’ve wasted hours watching astrology videos, reading blog posts. I want a promise. Assurance. They all went on record with their predictions: Joe Biden....
Jule Kucera