Hello, writer!
First, did you flinch at the word ‘writer,’ not sure if you really are one?
Let’s deal with that right now.

You are a writer.
How do I know? Because non-writers never ask themselves if they’re a ‘real writer’ or not.
If you ask, you are.
Maybe you’re producing pages that fly from your fingers and fall in heaps at your feet. Maybe you haven’t written a creative word in years. No matter. If the desire to write is in your heart, you’re a writer.

Story is complex but it need not be complicated. And if you’ve ever felt ignorant about how to structure a story, that’s not a reflection of your intelligence. It just means you haven’t—yet—found a method that works for you.
If you’re a visual learner, you’re in the right place. Or if you’re stuck in what’s supposed to be the Fun & Games section of Act 2, I can help with that, too.
You may be feeling a flicker of hope but cautioning yourself, “Don’t get your hopes up!”
It’s okay.
Get your hopes up.

“It’s simply the most effective story analysis tool I’ve come across.” —Marnie Collins, screenwriter & novelist
This 67-page, full-color PDF presents an intelligent and accessible model of story structure. It applies the model to two stories, one from my life (how StoryJoules got born) and one from a movie I adore, Gladiator.
To get the StoryJoules handbook, sign up for my writers’ mailing list. You’ll also learn about the StoryJoules Mastery course. In it, you craft the architecture and energy of your work in progress using the StoryJoules model.
Yeah, it’s cool.

StoryJoules Mastery
Write with confidence, because you know how to use story structure and energy to keep readers turning pages.
Use StoryJoules to craft your work in progress, because the story that’s on our heart is the one that will best inspire learning.
Establish the support you need to keep making progress, even when doubts surface or distractions interrupt.
Sign up to be the first to hear when the course reopens, and get the StoryJoules handbook as a freebie.
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