by Jule Kucera | Sep 5, 2021 | Blog
We’re back to winding down the series of things I’m proud of. With this one, I’m more proud of the other person than I am of myself, but I held up my end of the bargain. I was a new employee at a commercial property company, responsible for training for every function...
by Jule Kucera | Aug 29, 2021 | Blog
by Jule Kucera | Aug 22, 2021 | Blog
My brother has had and still has a difficult life. He left home at 14 and made his way from there. He has a scar on his forearm I am curious about. I’ve asked him about it lots of times, but he has never told me how he got it. I wasn’t sure if he didn’t want to tell,...
by Jule Kucera | Aug 15, 2021 | Blog
Is there anyone you look at and think, ‘it looks like they have a pretty good life’? It’s not envy exactly. More like an appreciative curiosity. The famous person that fits this for me is Cate Blanchett. The non-famous one is Donna Adler. Donna was a year ahead of me...
by Jule Kucera | Aug 8, 2021 | Blog
I left him with the clothes on my back, which unfortunately were casual shorts and a ratty t-shirt. Because of this, when I tried to get an apartment in the renovated piano factory with thick brick walls and twelve-foot ceilings, the apartment manager wouldn’t show me...
by Jule Kucera | Aug 1, 2021 | Blog
I am surprisingly proud of a fight I had with my first husband, the man in the purple suspenders. I disagreed with him and held my ground, didn’t cave. I’d never done that before. Six or so years into our marriage, things weren’t going well and we both knew it....