

I was at the University of Minnesota, first as an undergrad, then as an employee and grad student, from the late 1970s through most of the 1980s. During that time (and still?), the University had a strong feminist contingent. One of the things they did was scratch out...
I Open My Arms Wide

I Open My Arms Wide

I open my arms wide to accept and appreciate an abundance of blessings, Blessings I’ve imagined and blessings beyond my fondest dreams,* Blessings from the top of my head, all through and around me, to the soles of my feet, Blessings so that I might be a blessing to...
So Be It

So Be It

So be it. So be it. So be it. So be it. So be it. Before I say those words, I lift my hands from my knees, bring them out to my sides, then reach my arms high to bring my palms together over my head, then bring them down in prayer position and rest them on my heart....
Enjoy. Tend. Ass. Heart.

Enjoy. Tend. Ass. Heart.

…so that I may enjoy my life and home, tend to my field, and put my ass where my heart wants to be. It may seem odd or selfish to start with enjoyment, but I spent so many years trying to earn worth, working to prove my life mattered, that starting with enjoyment is...
I am All These Things

I am All These Things

“I am all these things so that I can fulfill my divine life intentions: To be a creative maker, A good friend and partner, With an abundance of health and wealth in all its forms…” I believe we come to this planet for a reason, that we have some sort of intention...
Jule Kucera