I am no longer an employee of Fifth Third Bank. I am no longer employed anywhere. I have been earning money since I was 13, full-time since 24. The only break in being an employee was when I moved to Michigan to be with Trent and became a full-time freelancer with...


I used to think that forgiving someone was an event. You forgive someone. They get a clean slate. One and done. I don’t believe that anymore. I have a deep and persistent fear of becoming a bag lady. As one of my friends asked incredulously, “Do you know how far you...

Buying a Card

(Some posts are harder to write than others.) My mother likes to get cards in the mail. I like to give cards. It’s a good combination. Because Valentine’s Day was coming, I stood in front of a wall of pink and red cards, needing to pick one for my mother. In prior...
Who Would I Be?

Who Would I Be?

Last week’s question about choosing to see the world differently led to this one: What if I saw myself not as what I was, with all my stories, but without them? Who would I be if I weren’t who I was? What if I continue to see myself as a daughter, but not the daughter...
Who Would I Be?


I have been gifted with wonderful teachers. Some of them were bosses, some colleagues, some friends, some authors. One of them, a boss, once taught me about blindspots. This is the gist of what she said… “Jule, there are two types of blindspots. The first type is the...


So why did it take me thirty years to be able to say “the church I belonged to for a decade was a cult”? Did I really need to read the characteristics of cults in Vogl’s book? Was I honestly unsure? Was I refraining from using the word to be kind to those who are...
Jule Kucera