Does Cincinnati have higher regard for its German or Irish immigrants?
Well, let’s check the signs. All you need to do is read the titles:
You see—and maybe feel—the difference, yes?
But the really important sign is this one:
This sign is lying, not a lie of commission but of omission.
To tell that story, I need to take a longer walk to a less populated part of the park. Leda can’t come with me on this one. She would have been able to a year ago but now, it’s too far. And yes, that makes me sad.
Election Results
Voting on the next topic was tied until Managing Transitions pulled ahead of A Good Start to the Day. So, we’ll start with Managing Transitions and then go to A Good Start. To all who voted, thank you!
Chewing the Cud of Good
Thankful for my beautiful body and all the things it does so well—it breathes, it digests, it circulates, it heals. It’s amazing.