The Place of Not Knowing

by | Aug 28, 2022

We are in this place again, the place where a theme has wrapped up—in this case, GOADS—and I don’t know what to write about next.

Here’s what I know: you will be patient with me because you have been patient with me before. Every time I’ve asked what you’d like me to write about, the consistent answer has been: write what’s on your mind.

What’s on my mind today is gratefulness. Appreciation for knowing. Not knowing what to write about, but knowing you are there, looking forward to something from me.

I promise the next topic will not be professional dress for the executive woman, because we’ve Been There, Done That, and it was miserable. For those of you who stuck with me through those missives, you get an extra helping of appreciation, like extra mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving.

Here’s a confession: As I’ve been on the road, I’ve fallen off the wagon. Not just with GOADS, but with meditation and morning sun salutations.

The good thing about falling off the wagon is proof emerges that the wagon made a difference. I don’t think it’s because of any one thing, but the value of the combo. Just like having a good diet isn’t enough, a body also needs good exercise.

I had a chart where, each day, I checked off the things I had done that make me feel better. But then it felt onerous, so I stopped.

So, I’m changing my perspective. I’m not going to think of these as a list of Must Do’s, but as things I do to show myself kindness. They are not acts of discipline, they are acts of love.

Chewing the Cud of Good

Thankful for a home to come home to. Again.


  1. Chris

    I look forward to reading about your observations. You plant seeds in my mind but I need to add the water for growth.

    • Jule Kucera

      Chris, you’ve captured what I’m hoping to do here. When I named my publishing company Poppyseed House, it was with the idea of scattering tiny poppyseeds, that people could decide to take or leave. I guess I’ll keep going!

      • Chris

        You need to keep going

        • Jule

          I will!


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