Seeing how ‘TROULE’ de-fanged ‘TROUBLE,’ I’m experimenting with another word.
I believe I have SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, because when the sun becomes rare and the days get cold, I feel chilly and watery.
Sure I have one of those sunlight lamps but have yet to pull it from storage. Instead, I’ve given SAD a new name: Sid.
Sid’s an odd duck. He only wears black. He’s skinny and smokes and his hair is kind of greasy. He stands in the corner, leaning against the wall, one foot on the wall, trying to act cool and aloof but secretly glad for the company.
Saying, “I’m feeling Sid” cracks me up. My mood is instantly lighter and I’m less needy about the sunlamp.
“I’m feeling Sid.”
Still chuckling.
Also, I’m feeling like I want a break. So, I’ll be gone for the rest of December, back in January. (Maybe Sid will come along, as long as he doesn’t have to wear a New Year’s party hat.)
I wish you a wonderful holiday season full of joy and love and delicious experiences that become lovely memories.
Chewing the Cud of Good
Thankful for new friends and old friends and Roxie, who loves me always.