My orchid is at it again. Not the one that dropped its petals last time, the other one.
I was sitting in my big chair (where I’m sitting now) when I noticed wrinkly petals on the smaller orchid’s only stalk.
I bent toward the plant and saw bright green new bud tips peeking out from the end of the stalk.
“Oh, I know what you’re doing,” I said. (Yes, I speak to my orchids. Why not?)
The next morning, the petals hung limply, like wet dishrags pinned to a clothesline.
The morning after that, there were five spent flowers on the floor.
The second to last fell today.
There is a sole survivor, unwrinkled. Maybe that one stayed behind to tell the new buds how things work around here.
The fallen flowers were a good reminder, especially this time of year. If there’s something I want to add into my life (like exercise, healthy eating, or fun), I need first to answer a question:
What will I give up to have enough energy for the new growth?
Chewing the Cud of Good
Thankful for my warm parka on freezing cold days.