
A beach with wet sand marking receding waves, photo is off kilter

“Jule, do you still brush your teeth?”

Before, my mother’s questions were merely repetitive. Now, they prove the synapses in her brain are not slick and speedy, but more like dusty cobwebs or roads that suddenly T-bone ...
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Interior of the Mercantile LIbrary with tall windows

Library Renovations

Going back to the historical theme, here’s one about my favorite building in Cincinnati, The Mercantile Library. The library is currently closed for renovation as they turn the rest of ...
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Close up of orange & pink orchids

Dr. Heiden and Me, We Have a Deal

One of the best thyroid surgeons in the United States looks like Margot Robbie, only in a petite version. I saw her today, on my annual pilgrimage to the Cleveland ...
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