Author name: Jule Kucera

Remembering Good

In college, when I was working on my master’s, I worked during the day and went to school at night. I still remember my annual salary because I had to watch over it so carefully: $10,500. In today’s dollars, that’s

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The Hard

My new theory is that everyone who lives long enough will at some point go through a period of The Hard. I believe The Hard is necessary. It makes us stronger. It strips away dross. My theory is based on

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I am in Johnstown, Pennsylvania because this is where the tow truck brought me, from the Midas shop just off the Pennsylvania turnpike to a Honda dealership thirty miles away. These are all the things that went right: When the

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Lamp with with 1970s Elvis as the base, in white with a red scarf

A Strange Thing

Recently I had a cranio-sacral massage because I never had one before and I’m always up for whatever I haven’t tried in the realm of massage therapy. The massage was incredibly relaxing in an odd way—it wasn’t so much that

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Posture, part two

It turns out that good posture is about much more than good health. A wonderful reader made me aware of Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, specifically the first chapter where he explains via lobsters the crucial importance of

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lots of little heartrs

Hearts Are Free

They’re called “likes” but the icon looks like a heart so I call them “hearts.” Recently I wrapped up an online workshop that had a discussion board. It was possible to like/heart other people’s posts but I didn’t do it

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