Restoring Myself

Stephen Covey, in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, describes Habit 7 as “Sharpen the Saw.”

I’ve been doing a lot of sawing, a lot of producing. Getting Sweet Baby Lover out there, getting Prince Tarkten ready. And on the side, adding an appendix to The StoryWheel.

My saw is dull.

But sharpening feels too active, too much an expenditure of energy. I want something less active, more receptive. Less yang, more yin.

In New Zealand, there are lakes that lie between mountains. They take all the melting snow and the rain from the heights that surround them. They take the minerals and reflect a deep ultramarine blue.

A lake in New Zealand, aquamarine blue, with whitecaps on the water, surrounded by mountains

I want to be that lake. I want to receive the snowmelt, the spring rain, take in minerals, become a brilliant ultramarine.

There is a time to produce and a time to reflect.

A time to give and a time to receive.

If we are accustomed to (and comfortable with) producing and giving, it’s difficult to reflect and receive.

But it’s time.

Prince Tarkten is here!

Finally, finally, finally, Prince Tarkten is ready for his closeup! And to wing his way into the arms of readers.

Many of you know this is actually the second printing. The first didn’t meet my standards (not anyone’s fault but my own). So, the books got given away all along eastbound and westbound Interstate 80, because Pennsylvania gave their permission, and not along Interstate 71 or 76, because Ohio did not.

Anyhoo, I love how the book turned out! The illustrations are beautiful and perfect. The type is where it’s supposed to be. The book feels good in the hand and on the mind. If you’re curious, here’s a video (my first video!) of me opening the first box of books from the second printing.

Even though I gave away physical copies of Sweet Baby Lover, I’m not doing that with this one. Why not? Because I’ve already sunk so much cash into this production, the thought of giving copies away makes me feel pinch-faced, and that’s not healthy.

However, to celebrate the launch, I am giving away the audiobook. It doesn’t have the same sunk costs and the idea of giving it away to people who read what I write makes me happy. If you’d like to have the Prince Tarkten audiobook (I’m the narrator), just reply to this email and ask me to send it your way. Yippee!

Chewing the Cud of Good

Orchids in a grocery store
Thankful for the oasis of the Shop-Rite near my mom.


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