
Light reflecting off water

Your True Self

Your True Self Isn’t so much someone you find As someone you allow yourself to be. You give permission. You create space. You let go of excuses and denial. You put your toe in the water. And if you like

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Shadow of a greyhound on green grass

Test Drive

“Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don’t do that by sitting around wondering about yourself.” Katherine Hepburn Once upon

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Closeup photo of the Merchandise Mart when it was first built

Find Your Tribe

It’s time to shift focus from internal—we’ve done lengthy internal examination—to external. Herminia Ibarra, in Working Identity, presents nine principles for reinventing a career. Number six is, “Don’t just focus on the work. Find people who are what you want

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A small brown journal, with many pages and an old map of the world on the cover


I’ve felt as if I’ve been vacillating between writing about finding our True Selves and navigating the pandemic of the coronavirus. But I’ve changed my mind. Instead of seeing these as two separate things, I now see them as related.

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Timer plugged into an outlet

Magic Genie

This week’s exercise on finding our True Selves will be fun, which is a good thing because in this coronavirus environment we’re past the intense preparation stage of laying in supplies (sanitizer and toilet paper and rice and beans) and

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Pebble sitting on a piece of cardbord, with a dotted outline an inch to the left of the pebble and and arrow aiming at the dotted outline, labeled Today


When I saw the beautiful facemasks Lori had made for nurses in her community, my first thought was, “That’s what I’ll do! I’ll make masks!” Never mind that the last time I sewed was five years ago. Never mind that

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Eleanor Roosevelt portrait


We last left off on our path of finding our True Selves with Jealousy. This week is about a nobler emotion: Admiration. Part One: Make a list of people you admire. My list includes people like Eleanor Roosevelt and Maya

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