Me & My Brain, part 2

Daniel Gallucci is a physical therapist for brains.

He’s Canadian and well-known in their pro hockey world for helping players recover from a concussion. His work has spread from the CHL to athletes in the NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB, and others.

As my right eye flashed lightning, I bought his brain health program and began the exercises. Hopeful but doubtful.

The exercises are odd.

Here’s an example:

  • Hold your right arm in front of you at eye level and make a ‘thumbs-up’ sign.
  • Now, move your arm to the right, about sixty degrees, keeping it level, tracking your thumb with your eyes but not moving your head. Do that ten times.
  • Do the same sequence on the left.
  • Then repeat, but this time, move your head.
  • Do two more sets of 10 on your right and left.

Yes, after doing this exercise, your brain will feel tired. But this (and other exercises) will help your brain recover from concussion. After a month, the lightning flashes were less, still less after three months, gone after six months.

Recently, an email from Daniel showed up in my inbox:

‘NEW VIDEO: 4 Uncommon Drills to Delay Neurodegeneration’

I pounced on it.

Once again, the exercises were odd, but Daniel’s logic made sense to me. He said that Sudoku and supplements were useful but they don’t change the brain’s plumbing (blood flow) or electrical (neurons) systems.

I’ve started the exercises. They might help and can’t hurt. Daniel says people notice a difference in about three months.

If you’re curious, here’s his YouTube video. Daniel doesn’t describe the last exercise very well, so here’s clarification from his team’s reply to a comment:

Step 1: Inhale
Step 2: hold your breath while doing as many Soldier Walks as comfortable (20 max)
Step 3: Exhale
Step 4: Allow your breathing to return to normal
Step 5: Repeat 2 – 3 times.

Also, if it’s helpful, here’s the tracking sheet I use to keep a record of my commitment.

This is my wish for our brains:

May you be happy.

May you be healthy and strong.

May you feel safe and protected.

May you live in peace.

Chewing the Cud of Good

sun shining through tree branches against a blue sky

Thankful for hope, that thing with feathers.


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