New Beginnings

New Beginnings

And this is how this series on transitions ends, just as the transition from the Neutral Zone to New Beginnings ends, not with a bang but with a gradual sense of clarity. If the Neutral Zone is a swamp, you leave it as you leave a swamp. Not through the exit door,...
Keep vs. Cast Off

Keep vs. Cast Off

When you are coming through your transition, when you know where you want to go and are tangibly closer, when you feel you are almost near enough to touch it, you will realize some things about your things: There are things you need that you don’t have for this new...
Knowing Where You Want to Go

Knowing Where You Want to Go

Let’s say you know where you are. And you have a good map and a reliable compass. But you don’t know where you want to go. If someone asked, all you would be able to answer is, “Not here.” ‘Not here’ is useful information but it insufficient to get you where you want...
Navigating the Swamp

Navigating the Swamp

I’m struggling to write about how to navigate the swamp, because it’s such an intensely personal experience, much more so than YMMV.  What it feels like, how long it lasts, the questions that pester like mosquitos—all of it comes from within, not from without. If you...
The Swamp

The Swamp

Photo by Piotr Szulawski, @brodatofotografia The Swamp calls the shots. The Swamp works on its own time, not ours, and in its own way, not ours. How long we spend in The Swamp is usually determined by how willing we are to honor The Swamp. We can’t rush through The...
Jule Kucera