When You Rocked It

When You Rocked It

Twice in my career, when I felt lost, a mentor asked me to reflect on my work history and remember times when I was in the flow, in the zone, rocking it. Both of those women asked me to take four or five of those ‘rocking it and loving it’ experiences and describe...
Conditions for Thriving

Conditions for Thriving

My friend Audrey in high school knew from our sophomore year that when she went to college, she wanted to study math. Like her father, a Bell Labs engineer, she had always loved math. When she got to college in the fall of 1974, she decided to double major in math and...
Unappreciated Strengths

Unappreciated Strengths

We tend to take our strengths for granted. If something comes easily to us, we tend to think it comes easily to everyone, and if it comes easily to everyone, then it isn’t all that valuable. But it doesn’t come easily to everyone. It is valuable. You know what those...


I’ve felt as if I’ve been vacillating between writing about finding our True Selves and navigating the pandemic of the coronavirus. But I’ve changed my mind. Instead of seeing these as two separate things, I now see them as related. The coronavirus, although a...
Marshmallow Life

Marshmallow Life

Last Sunday something scary happened to me that hasn’t happened in a long time—I had the blue thought: “What’s the point of my life? Maybe I should just leave.” It’s a familiar thought from when I was a teenager, when it came almost every day for more than a year. The...
Jule Kucera