Latest Reflections



I have been gifted with wonderful teachers. Some of them were bosses, some colleagues, some friends, some authors. One of them, a boss, once taught me about blindspots. This is the gist of what she...

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So why did it take me thirty years to be able to say “the church I belonged to for a decade was a cult”? Did I really need to read the characteristics of cults in Vogl’s book? Was I honestly unsure?...

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Educated by Books

I love books. I love reading them, holding them, hearing the soft opening of a new hardback. I inhale the smell of paper and the tingle of ideas. Books have been my teachers. When I was debating...

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Dr. Heiden

Dr. Heiden

My annual check up with Dr. Heiden has brought me back to Chicago. I’m also going to close my safety deposit box, the last remnant of my 30 years in Chicago. I love Dr. Heiden. I know from working...

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Hello again

Hello again

I paused the blog when I wasn’t sure why I was writing, or what to write about. The why and what haven’t become any clearer but I’m taking a new approach—I will write about what is on my mind and...

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Reflection & Rest

Reflection & Rest

This blog has been on my mind, feeling somewhat like all the gray and black clothes hanging in my closet--it doesn't quite fit anymore. It was begun as a place for me to process my grief over...

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Got enough love?

When my husband died and other changes followed, The Love Bucket helped me figure out how to bring more love into my life. If you’d like an objective method to increase the level of love in your life, this guide is for you!

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Jule Kucera