Latest Reflections
Transition to Transitions
I write these blog posts in a yellow composition notebook, then type them up. Last Saturday I ran out of pages. Before I start a new notebook—this next one is black—I look through the old one. I...
The Black Brigade
According to the description, ‘Judge William Martin Dickson, who favored enlisting black soldiers in the Union Army, assumed command of the brigade, composed of 1,000 African American volunteers...
Bias in Brass
Does Cincinnati have higher regard for its German or Irish immigrants? Well, let’s check the signs. All you need to do is read the titles: You see—and maybe feel—the difference, yes? But the really...
Your True Self
Your True Self Isn’t so much someone you find As someone you allow yourself to be. You give permission. You create space. You let go of excuses and denial. You put your toe in the water. And if you...
Test Drive
"Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around wondering about yourself."...
The Mirror
. I lift my head, look up, and say, “They’re not listening!” And then I ask, “How well am I listening? . “They don’t understand!” How hard am I working to understand? . “They’re funding the wrong...
Got enough love?
When my husband died and other changes followed, The Love Bucket helped me figure out how to bring more love into my life. If you’d like an objective method to increase the level of love in your life, this guide is for you!